Are you spending way too much time looking for your files, documents, digital pictures, etc. ? Then it's probably time for some organising and decluttering on your computer.
Set up folders for each person who uses the computer, then subfolders for each category of files that this person uses. Some subfolders might need subfolders again, simply depending on how complex you want or need your system to be.
A home filing system on your computer could look like this:
This could be a system for digital photos:
Once you have set up the system, go through the files, delete the ones you no longer need (decluttering part), then move the files into their appropriate new homes.
For digital pictures, delete all blurry, out of focus, under/overexposed pictures or ones that you have no idea what they're actually showing, then again, reassign logical locations.
This process will probably take several hours, depending on how many files you have accumulated, but it is time well spent. It will save time in the long run - lots of time.
For new files, make sure you give the files meaningful names (not just letter.doc or invoice.xls), then store your file in a place that makes sense to you.
If you're not sure how to do any of this, there are online tutorials on file management or visit a class at a local college. If you're in the Nottingham area, you can contact me for help. As part of my services, I also offer one-on-one IT tutoring.