Monday 13 October 2008

Overcoming Procrastination - Part 1

Procrastination, now there's a topic for organisers. And how long did it take me to write this blog entry, not sure, kept putting it off - hmm, yes I know, very funny.

But to be serious and professional again, procrastination is one of the main hurdles that keeps us from getting organised. I know this very well, because in my case it's - been there, done that, got the T-shirt. And I am still battling it. Procrastination is a little bit like an addiction, once you suffer from it you have got to battle it and keep on top of it for the rest of your life. It is so easy to slip back. But also, like any other addiction, it can be overcome.

Now lets tackle the reasons why you procrastinate.

Reason Number 1:

"I haven't got the time right now."
This is the most popular excuse for procrastinators. I know, I've used it often enough myself. The thing is you are probably right. You have not got the whole block of time it takes to tackle the spare room, or the whole of the ironing pile, or the complete reorganisation of the kitchen. BUT, and there's a good reason for the capital letters, you have got 10 minutes, or maybe even 20 or 30. And that is all it takes to make a start. Start by sorting through one box, iron 10 or 20 items, tackle one single drawer. And if you do that every day, or maybe even twice a day if motivation strikes then you will realise that you are making slow but steady progress.

A chinese proverb states: Even the longest journey starts with one single step. And this is exactly how you will be able to overcome the lurking monster that is procrastination.

In the coming weeks I will help you brush away other reasons why you might be procrastinating and will basically leave you with no excuse to simply get on with it.

If you have any comments, please feel free, I would love hear people's opinions on the subject.

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