Monday 17 November 2008

Exit Strategy

Do you often find yourself leaving the house with an important item missing? I'm talking about moments like arriving at your daughter's piano lesson without having the piano book on you, or the towel is not in the swimming bag, etc. As you can probably tell, there is some personal experience in those words.

But I've come up with a little system that makes all those items you need to take with you on a regular basis a whole lot easier to remember. Near the exit door put up a piece of paper (again, laminated if you like, or in a plastic sleeve) that clearly marks what is needed on what day and to what purpose. It could look something like this:

exit strategy

You can even colour code for each family member so that everyone knows what needs to be taken when by whom. Only mark on what needs to be taken regularly every week. You can leave some space at the bottom where you can handwrite with a dry erase marker anything that is applicable only for the current week if you need to.

I'm not saying you will never forget anything ever again, but you will be making your life a whole lot easier for yourself and everybody living with you.

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