Tuesday 17 March 2009

Tuesday’s Tip – SMART Organising Goals

When setting your organising and/or decluttering goals make sure they are SMART. Setting the goal “I’m going to get organised” is simply not going to cut it.

Here is what SMART stands for with some examples:

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Relevant
T – Timely

Specific: I’m going to put everyone's birthday into my diary.
Measurable: I am going to spend 10 minutes at the end of each working day on filing.
Achievable: I am going to complete the decluttering of the spare room in one weekend. (This might stretch you a little, but is achievable)
Relevant: I am going to go on the next time management seminar at work. (Related to “getting organised”)
Timely: I am going to finish reorganising my pantry by the end of this week. (Goals need a time factor. This helps prevent procrastination and will motivate you to get a move on.)

And now for one goal that ticks all the boxes, one SMART goal:

By the end of the week, I will have entered all my family and friends’ birthdays into my diary.

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