Friday 1 May 2009

Bank Holiday Decluttering – Part 2

And we’re back with our big project for the Bank Holiday weekend. Here is the second lot of top tips for a successful decluttering session.

You’ve done all the getting rid of things, what are the next steps:

Reorganise: Put like things together. This means if you look for a particular item it can only be in one place. No more hunting around.

Containerise: Once you know exactly what you keep, you can move on to a great part of the job and find suitable storage containers. Use these as much as possible, they really help to corral your belongings and make putting things away so much easier. And make sure you label the containers once you have decided what goes in. This will save you lots of time later looking for things in your new system.

Reward: Make sure you plan a nice reward for the end of your project. If it’s just you doing the work, then have a nice bubble bath, if the whole family is involved, maybe a trip to the park or to the cinema. I’m sure you can think of a suitable reward. You deserve it.

Maintenance: So that the whole effort wasn’t in vain, you need to maintain the new order. Simply stick with what mums have told us for generations. “Put it back when you’re finished with it.” You don’t want to have to start over in the same area once the next Bank Holiday comes around.

And if after all that the whole thing is still too daunting for you, why not call in an expert to kick the project off. Here at Well Organised we can put you on the right track and start you off with a few hours of professional help or we can guide you through the whole project, whatever your needs.

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