Tuesday 9 June 2009

Tuesday’s Tip – 5 Bits of Motivation

Motivation is key when it comes to getting organised and taking on a big decluttering project. Here are 5 little tips that will help you get going and keep going:

  1. Drink plenty of water: Dehydration can lead to fatigue and mental sluggishness which really does not help when you have to make decisions what to get rid of and what to keep. Make sure you keep your fluid intake up and stay alert.
  2. Take regular breaks: making non-stop decisions for too long will lead to burn-out very quickly. Schedule regular breaks. This will keep you more alert and you will get more done in the long run. It can be equated to “sharpening your saw”.
  3. Put on your favourite up-beat music: This will keep you in good spirits and it’s always more fun to do anything with a bit of music in the background.
  4. Oxygen: Fresh air will also do wonders for your alertness. Make sure you keep a window open while you work. If the weather is particularly bad, try to keep it open for a few minutes per hour at least. It’ll really help.
  5. Push yourself harder: If you think a certain task will take 30 minutes, see if you can take off a few minutes. Set a timer for 25 or even 20 minutes and see how fast you can go. Remember: Work will always expand to fit the time available.

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