Wednesday 28 January 2009

Tuesdays Tip - 100 reasons to get rid of it

(For technical reasons this week on Wednesday)

If you are a regular reader of this blog you are probably wondering how I can get 100 reasons into one short and sweet Tuesday's Tip (and these tips are usually quite short, you have to be the judge whether they are sweet). Well , I'm giving you a link to a page with exactly those reasons on it. It's one of Martha Stewart's Organizing gems that landed in my inbox and I would like to share it with you.

Just to whet your appetite, these 100 reasons include:

number 2: people burn 55 minutes a day looking for things
number 3: 80 percent of what we own we never use
numbers 12 - 40: because someone else needs it
number 50 (one of my personal favourites): getting rid of clutter will reduce housework by 40 percent 
and so on .....

And here is the link:

100 Reasons

Now go and find YOUR reasons and start getting rid!

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