Friday 16 January 2009

What Are My Top Priorities?

Finding out what you really want and need to do.

First of all, sit yourself down, with a cup of tea if that helps, and do a complete mind dump. Write down all the big and little projects that you need to do. Don't worry about any particular order just get them on paper. Consider it a shopping list for the great supermarket of life. You wouldn't go shopping without a list, would you? Of course not. Well, I don't recommend you do anyway.

This is your master list. Now look at the list in detail. There will be obvious groups. Items related to your home for instance, your work, your family, your health etc. (I did say "complete" mind dump.) You can either colour code them, or if it works better for you rewrite the list and this time put each item on your list in a different category. These categories can be on different sheets or in columns or any other form of visual separation.

Next you need to decide which of the categories are your top priories. I am sure there is more than one and that is absolutely fine. You don't need to sacrifice your health for your family or your family for you work. All of these can be top priorities. But you choose. Whatever is really important to you.

Next look at the items within the categories, which of these are urgent and important? These are your A priorities. Next find the ones that are urgent, but less important. These are your B priorities. And finally the ones that are important but not so urgent. These are your C priorities. Whatever is left are D priorities, if they don't get done, nothing bad will happen, but if would be nice if they did get done. Items from your less important categories will probably never make it into the A priorities. Now using the Rock, Stone, Sand and Beer Analogy from last week, fill your diary with these items, scheduling them, given them the time and attention they need.

Using lists and writing things down can really help you accomplish things. Tasks that are written down and scheduled, have a much higher chance of getting done than tasks that are kept them in your head.

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