Tuesday 3 February 2009

Tuesday's Tip - Important Nighttime Notes

This week's Tuesday's Tip ties in with the main posting this week. It's all about improving your sleep, making the "nodding off" a little bit easier.

Quite often you can't go to sleep because you think you need to remember something for the next day.

Keep a pen and pad ready on your nightstand. If you find yourself with that important thing that you suddenly remember and that you need for the next day, turn your light back on and write it down. It will only take about a minute to do but will save hours of tossing and turning while your brain multitasks with remembering and going to sleep at the same time. Your brain is basically trying to stay switched on and switching off simultaneously - not easy to achieve. Once the information is written down, you can give yourself permission to forget about it until the morning and your brain can switch off. When you wake up, the reminder will be there, right in front of you.

I have been known to put that note on my slippers so that I definitely notice it when I get up.

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