Saturday 14 February 2009

What to do with your decluttered books

So you have finally decided to sort out your bookshelf, and the space around it, and the pile of books next to the couch, and .... wherever else there were books, books and more books.

You sorted out books that you've read, and you know you'll never read again, books that you know you'll never read, books that your kids have grown out of years ago and you don't ever intend to give to your grandchildren. And of course all the books from your ex who emigrated to Australia five years ago and has no intention of ever repossessing those books. In other words you are only left with the books you (and your family) love and you are sure you want to keep.

Now what are you going to do with all those books piled high in boxes, bin liners etc.? Of course you could simply put them in your paper recycling bin. But there are some really good alternatives.

Here is a list of "What to do with all those books"

  • You can take them to a charity shop. Charity shops always welcome books, since they are a good seller. If they are in sellable condition they will be put on the shelves, otherwise the charity will recycle them. Oxfam have now even specialised book shops who will also take your old videos, DVDs, music CDs and even cassettes and records.
  • Take them to work and leave them in your "chill out zone" (if you have one or offer them to colleagues at work
  • Organise a "book swapping party" with friends. Who knows, it might even turn into a bookclub.
  • List your books on . It's free to join and you send books to people who request them from you via email.
  • Donate to your local library. They will be welcome. Books should be in good condition. What can't be used, will be recycled by the library or sold to boost funds.
  • If you want to make money yourself, then why not sell your books on one of the following

This if of course not an exhaustive list what you can do with your books. If you have any other ideas I haven't mentioned please feel free to comment.

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